
Historical archive

Establishing care centres in the home countries of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

Norway has experienced a steep increase in the number of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers during the last two years. It is important to ensure that those among them who do not have needs for international protection are assisted to create a sound future in their home countries. Therefore, the Government will take steps to establish adequate care in these countries.

Norway has experienced a steep increase in the number of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers during the last two years. It is important to ensure that those among them who do not have needs for international protection are assisted to create a sound future in their home countries. Therefore, the Government will take steps to establish adequate care in these countries.

In May 2009 248 asylum seekers claimed to be minor and unaccompanied by close care persons, bringing the total number to 930so far this year. In 2007 only 403 unaccompanied minors arrived, in 2008 1 374. Most arrive from Afghanistan, Somalia and Iraq.

Residence permits are issued to unaccompanied minor asylum seekers if no care persons have been identified in their home countries. This applies irrespective of the protection needs assessment.

- “However, it is not always in the interest of the child to take up residence in Norway. In many cases children would be better off if they could return to adequate care in their home country”, states Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Dag Terje Andersen.

Competent Norwegian agencies will now to a larger degree assess the overall care situation in the countries of origin, whether with parents, with the extended family or in a care institution.  

- “If adequate care is not provided, we will consider establishing or financing such care”, continues Andersen. Contact will be established with competent authorities in relevant countries of origin with a view of finding beneficial solutions.