
Historical archive

Easier for Russians to attain work permits

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

The Government wants more co-operation across the Norwegian-Russian border. – We want to stimulate both economic growth and contact between people. This has a great importance for the development in the northern region, says the Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion, Mr. Bjarne Håkon Hanssen.

The Government wants more co-operation across the Norwegian-Russian border. – We want to stimulate both economic growth and contact between people. This has a great importance for the development in the northern region, says the Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion, Mr. Bjarne Håkon Hanssen.

AThe Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion, Mr. Bjarne Håkon Hanssen. Photo: BarentsObserver.com
The Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion, Mr. Bjarne Håkon Hanssen. Photo: BarentsObserver.com

The Government’s strategy for the northern region is followed up with new measures. The measures are directed in particular to improve the mobility between Northern Norway and North-West Russia. The proposals includes amongst others:

  • It will be easier for Russians to get temporary working permits. Unskilled Russians from the region of Barents, can apply for work permits for up to two years for employment in all sectors of the economy in the three northernmost counties of Norway, not only in the fishing industry as today. Russians who want to commute to work in Norway, can also be given work permit for part time work. 
  • An information and case handling office for immigrants are being established in Kirkenes. The office shall also give information and guidance about the rules for visa and other relevant rules and regulations. 
  • There will be a review of how the immigration rules are put into practice, with a view to soften the demand for documentation for visa applications for Russian citizens and for faster crossing of the border at Storskog.
  • Applicants from Murmans and Arkangels Oblast will normally be given a multiple transit visa when they have acted according to the conditions for previous visas.
  • The Government will take initiative for investigating the possibilities to enter into agreement with Russia about less border control of people living in the border region.