
Historical archive

Inger-Anne Ravlum appointed State Secretary

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Government Administration and Reform

Inger-Anne Ravlum today was appointed State Secretary in the Ministry of Government Administration and Reform. The Ministry’s name will from 01.01.2010 be Ministry of Reform and Church Affairs.

Inger-Anne Ravlum today was appointed State Secretary in the Ministry of Government Administration and Reform. The Ministry’s name will from 01.01.2010 be Ministry of Reform and Church Affairs.

Inger Anne Ravlum is a graduate in political science from the University of Oslo. Ms Ravlum has broad professional experience from government administration, research, politics and journalism. Since 2006, she has been department director in the Department of ICT policy and public sector reform in the Ministry of Government Administration and Reform, with special responsibility for administration policy. In the period 1997 - 2006 she was employed at the Institute of Transport Economics as researcher, from 2005 as research director.

Ms Ravlum was political advisor for prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland from 1994 till 1996 and for minister of development aid Grete Faremo in the period 1990 - 1992. She has also been group secretary for the Labour Party’s group in the Oslo City Council and research secretary for the Labour Party. She also has worked as a journalist.