
Historical archive

Government Website Refurbished and Improved

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Government Administration and Reform

The Norwegian government website has been thoroughly remade and improved to make it easier to find relevant government information. On Monday, 12 February, Minister of Government administration and reform, Ms Heide Grande Røys, officially buried the old web portal Odin.no and opened the new portal Regjeringen.no.

 The Norwegian government website has been thoroughly remade and improved to make it easier to find relevant government information. On Monday, 12 February, Minister of Government administration and reform, Ms Heide Grande Røys, officially buried the old web portal Odin.no and opened the new portal Regjeringen.no.

- Our aim is to make this a meeting place for the government, the different ministries and an active and knowledge-seeking population, the minister proclaimed. She promised that the new web portal is based on new technology, far better accessibility and a structure adjusted to meet the interests and terms of the public.
In searching for government information, you will no longer be met initially by a long list of parliament proposals and other complicated government documents. The documents appearing on your search list will to a much larger extent be based on relevance. 
The front pages are going to be more informative, the news priorities better and it will be easier to find the right background information. 

For the first time, all ministries will have front pages in the Sami language in addition to the two official Norwegian languages Bokmål and Nynorsk, as well as English. All basic information will be available in each language. Consideration is made for the special needs of the visually impaired and dyslectics. Synthetic speech is available in Bokmål and Norwegian as well as in English.

- It is my hope and belief that this reconditioning of our web portal will contribute to the strengthening of the democratic process, by enabling easier access for everyone to documents upon which political decisions and current political discussions are based, Ms Grande Røys says.