
Historical archive

Environmental guidelines for purchases in the public sector

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Government Administration and Reform

- The guidelines for public procurement enables purchasers in the public sector to make different environmental demands and considerations. It is important that they make use of these possibilities to minimize environmental strains connected with public procurement, says Minister of government administration and reform, Ms Heidi Grande Røys.

- The guidelines for public procurement enables purchasers in the public sector to make different environmental demands and considerations. It is important that they make use of these possibilities to minimize environmental strains connected with public procurement, says Minister of government administration and reform, Ms Heidi Grande Røys.

The Norwegian government introduces a special environmental policy for government purchases.  The priority will be on climate and energy considerations. State enterprises with activities that may have considerable effects on the environment will be asked to organize their activity in order to systematically and deliberately emphasize environmental considerations. This is accentuated in the Government's action plan for environmental and social awareness that has been jointly drawn up by the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Government Administration and Reform and the Ministry of Children and Equality. 

The goal is to minimize environmental strain connected with public procurement. The priority will be on efforts related to climate and energy, chemicals considered dangerous to health and the environment as well as biological diversity. Included is also waste prevention and effective use of resources.

Annually the public sector purchases goods and services for approximately 275 billion NOK. The state alone makes purchases for appr. 100 billion NOK.

- We will make specific demands and guidance for state procurements in the fields of construction and property management, transport and vehicles, ICT equipment, food, textiles and other central product groups with a potential for environmental gains, minister of environment Helen Bjørnøy says.
- The state sector is a large consumer and buyer of goods and services, and we are going to use our consumer power to promote the environmental friendly solutions that are available. The government should be in the forefront, but at the same time we will enable the municipalities to follow suit. I therefore invite municipal authorities to make similar demands. I will help make this possible through competence training and cooperation with KS – The Associaton of Local and Regional Authorities, the minister says.

Environmental and Social Responsibility in Public Procurement
The Norwegian Action Plan 2007 - 2010
Short version in English (PDF)