
Historical archive

An important step towards a discard ban

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

- I am very pleased to see that the European Parliament has chosen to say no to continued discard of fish, says Minister for Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Lisbeth Berg-Hansen.

- I am very pleased to see that the European Parliament has chosen to say no to continued discard of fish, says Minister for Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Lisbeth Berg-Hansen.

The European Parliament has voted on a new Common Fisheries Policy. The reform will now become subject for negotiations between the Parliament and the Council. The Irish Precidency has stated that the objectice is to conclude an agreement on the new policy by the end of June.

- I strongly believe that the final outcome will be a discard ban, says Berg-Hansen.

The EU and Norway has a common resposibility to manage joint stocks in the North Sea. Therefore the reform is important for Norway. The European Parliament has endorsed the approach put forward by Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Maria Damanaki, among other issues, a ban to discard fish.

- I have visited Brussels several times and discissed the reform proposal both in the Parliament and with Commissioner Damanaki. The decision in the Parliament is a sigificant sted forward to ensure sustainable management of all marine resources, Berg-Hansen says.