
Historical archive

Norway - A major marine research and seafood nation

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

For the first time, a broad and overarching strategy has been drawn up for prioritization of future research and development in the marine sector. Today the R&D strategy “Norway - A major marine research and seafood nation” was presented to Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Lisbeth Berg-Hansen.

For the first time, a broad and overarching strategy has been drawn up for  prioritization of future research and development in the marine sector. Today the R&D strategy “Norway - A major marine research and seafood nation” was presented to Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Lisbeth Berg-Hansen.  

“I am eager to see the recommendations from HAV21, and I look forward to involving the relevant ministries, authories and the marine industry in the continuation of the work. If we are to succeed in the future, there is no doubt that we need focused efforts in research and development. Neither is there any doubt that the authorities, industry and research communities must cooperate in the time ahead to elevate(strengthen) the development and implementation of marine knowledge,” says Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Lisbeth Berg-Hansen. 

The Strategy Group for HAV21 was appointed by the Government in the autumn of 2011. The aim has been to view research and development work in the marine sector in a broad context, and highlight the need for new knowledge and technology. 

Norway is in a unique position to further increase value creation in the marine sector by investing in marine research and technology from both public and private sources with    HAV21 serving as a recognized common platform for marine knowledge needs in the marine sector, and how the needs should be met.

The Research Council of Norway has served as the secretariat for the work, and a dedicated website has been established at www.hav21.no. The Strategy Group included senior representatives from industry, authorities, government and research communities. Liv Monica Stubholt has headed the work.

The HAV21 report in Norwegian can be downloaded from the Research Council's website: www.hav21.no

An English version will be available in early 2013.