
Historical archive

Agreement on Norwegian-Russian fisheries for 2010

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

Norway and Russia have today entered into an agreement on management of the joint stocks in the Barents Sea for 2010. The stock situation is very good and quotas for both cod and haddock have been increased. The long term collaboration on responsible management, research and control provides great benefits for both Norwegian and Russian fishermen and coastal communities.

Norway and Russia have today entered into an agreement on management of the joint stocks in the Barents Sea for 2010. The stock situation is very good and quotas for both cod and haddock have been increased. The long term collaboration on responsible management, research and control provides great benefits for both Norwegian and Russian fishermen and coastal communities.

The parties are in agreement that the cod quota for 2010 will be 607,000 tonnes and the haddock quota 243,000 tonnes and also to allow capelin fishing with a quota of 360,000 tonnes. The parties also agreed on a quota allocation and quota regulation of the Greenland  halibut stock.

The Norwegian-Russian fisheries collaboration has developed over more than 30 years into a comprehensive and close collaboration to ensure responsible management of the joint stocks in the Barents Sea. The quotas that have been set for 2010 are in line with a cautionary approach and safely within sustainable limits.

In setting the cod quota for 2010 the parties have adjusted the established management strategy by including a new mechanism which is intended to ensure that setting the quota also allows for periods of strong growth and re-evaluation of the stock.

The total quota for Norwegian-Arctic cod for 2010 has been set at 607,000 tonnes. This is an increase of 82,000 tonnes from 2009. The total quota for cod is divided between Norway, Russia and third countries in the same proportions as previous years. Norway’s quota for next year will be 271,000 tonnes, which is an increase of 16%.

The parties have agreed on an allocation formula for Greenland halibut which will mean that Norway has a share of 51%, Russia has 45% and 4% is allocated to third countries for fishing in the Fisheries Protection Zone off Svalbard. The parties have also fixed a total quota of 15,000 per year for the next three years. The allocation is based on comprehensive scientific work carried out in collaboration by Norwegian and Russian scientists.

As a result of the work carried out by a technical working group, the parties have also come to agreement that with effect from 01.01.2011 a joint minimum mesh size of 130 millimetres will be introduced for trawling throughout the Barents Sea. This will make it easier for both Norwegian and Russian fishermen to carry out fishing activities.

The haddock stock is in good condition and the total quota has been increased from 194,000 tonnes in the current year to 243,000 tonnes in 2010. This is in line with the established management strategy and is an increase of 25%. The Norwegian quota will be 116,000 tonnes.

The capelin quota for 2010 has been set at 360,000 tonnes, which is a slight reduction from this year. The management of capelin is based on a management strategy which the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea has assessed to be sustainable.

The parties confirmed that their joint work to limit illegal fishing in the Barents Sea has given very good results and will continue the collaboration to combat this activity.

There is substantial research collaboration between Norway and Russia on living marine resources and the ecosystem of the Barents Sea. This collaboration provides the basis for the management of resources and the parties were in agreement on the joint Norwegian-Russian research programme for 2010.

This year’s meeting of the Joint Norwegian-Russian Fisheries Commission was held outside the town of Sochi on the Black Sea and the minutes were signed by Secretary General Jørn Krog and the head of the Federal Bureau of Fisheries Andrej Krajnij.


Secretary General Jørn Krog, mobile 900 24 447
Deputy Director General Sverre Johansen, mobile 980 51 507
Press enquiries telephone 22 24 66 99