
Historical archive

OECD-Norway: High-level Roundtable in Oslo

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Education and Research


OECD and Norway will arrange High-level Roundtable: Starting strong: Implementing policies for High Quality Early Childhood Education and Care in Oslo, 23-24 January 2012. See the conference by web-cast at our web site.

OECD and Norway will arrange High-level Roundtable: Starting strong: Implementing policies for High Quality Early Childhood Education and Care in Oslo,
  • 24 January 2012
We are looking forward eagerly to the Roundtable, which we hope will be useful to all participants in providing strong messages on the importance of investing in high quality ECEC, on the policies that matter and their implementation and provide political impetus to further work on ECEC at OECD.

Site visits will be organised in conjunction with the Roundtable, and Network members are encouraged to take this opportunity to learn more about Norway’s approaches and initiatives. Information on the site visits is attached.

