
Historical archive

Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem acts to hinder human trafficking

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Children and Equality

Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem today launched the campaign "Stop Human Trafficking" as a part of a Government action plan. The object is to change attitudes by casting light on the connection between the sex trade and human smuggling.

Press release

No.:  06040
Date:  29 June 2006
Contact: Information secretariat  +47 22 24 24 07



Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem today launched the campaign "Stop Human Trafficking" as a part of a Government action plan.  The object is to change attitudes by casting light on the connection between the sex trade and human smuggling.


The broad-based campaign, which is to last three years, involves the cooperation of a variety of governmental and non-governmental organizations fiercely opposed to human trafficking in Norway.

"The Government refuses to accept such trade in humans and will work hard to stamp it out," says Karita Bekkemellem. "Human trafficking is one of the worst crimes we can imagine.  The difficulty is that it can be take place where you least expect it and where you can’t see it. It is important for us to make people aware of the connection between the sex trade and the trade in people. Those who pay for sex or consider paying for it may end up supporting one of the worst forms of criminality in our midst. They should therefore refrain from doing it."

Visit www.stoppmenneskehandel.no to learn more about the campaign.