
Historical archive

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy sells shares in Statoil ASA

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Press release

No.: 21/05 E
Date: 16.02.2005
Contact: Sissel Edvardsen, +47 22 24 61 09

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy sells shares in Statoil ASA

Not for distribution in theUnited States,Canada,Australia,South AfricaorJapan.

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has appointed Merrill Lynch International ("Merrill Lynch") to place 100 million shares in Statoil ASA. Merrill Lynch was selected following a competitive process where bids were invited for several transaction structures, including a minimum guaranteed price. The price achieved by the Norwegian State will depend on the outcome of a bookbuilding carried out by Merrill Lynch starting today. The sale is directed at institutional investors in Norway and abroad. The closing price of Statoil ASA on the Oslo Stock Exchange on Tuesday 15 February was 107.00 kroner per share.

Ms. Thorhild Widvey, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, comments: ”The current market environment allows us to further reduce the Government's holding in Statoil ASA, enabling Norwegian and international investors to increase their holding of Statoil ASA. Increasing liquidity is important to ensure that Statoil can be fairly valued in line with its international peers. The State will remain the dominant shareholder in the company, and thus be the main beneficiary from any further improvements in the share price."

In the event of oversubscription, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy may reduce or reject purchase orders at its own discretion, following consultation with its financial advisers.

Private persons in Norway and in the EEA area will be given the opportunity to acquire shares at the price which is set in the institutional sale, in a subsequent retail placement. This sale is expected to take place shortly, and terms will be made public immediately before the sale commences. In line with previous practice, up to 17.65 million shares will be made available in the retail tranche.

Statoil ASA was introduced on the Oslo and New York stock exchanges through an Initial Public Offering of shares in June 2001. The Norwegian State currently owns 1,653 million shares, equal to 76.33 % of the company. The Storting has granted the Government the authority to reduce the State ownership to 2/3 of the company. The Ministry has agreed with Merrill Lynch not to sell additional ordinary shares of Statoil ASA for a period of 180 days following completion of the sale.

Deutsche Bank has been the financial adviser to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy in planning this transaction. The retail sale will be organised by DnB NOR Markets, but will be open to participation by all registered brokers on the Oslo Børs.

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