
Historical archive

Transmission cable between Norway and the Netherlands

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy today granted Statnett SF a license to organize and conduct power exchange between Norway and the Netherlands. (14.12.04)


Nr.: 146/04
Dato: 14.12.2004

Contact person: Sissel Edvardsen, +47 22 24 61 09

Transmission cable between Norway and the Netherlands

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy today granted Statnett SF a license to organize and conduct power exchange between Norway and the Netherlands. Statnett SF and the Dutch state-owned system opertaor TenneT plan to build and operate a high-voltage interconnector between Norway and the Netherlands.

-Now Statnett SF can continue the work, in co-operation with the Dutch operator TenneT, to build the interconnector betweenNorwayand theNetherlands. The NorNed cable will boost the Norwegian electricity import and export capacity by 20 percent, says Thorhild Widvey, Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy. -Increased transmission capacity to other countries has several beneficial effects on the Norwegian power market. It's also important that the project can be carried out based on equal terms for the two companies.

See Statnet SF for more information.