
Historical archive

Reducing risk connected to the use of pesticides

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Use and risk reduction related to Plant Protection Products is, and has been, a priority area for the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food. (20.06.2005)

Reducing risk connected to the use of pesticides

Use and risk reduction related to Plant Protection Products is, and has been, a priority area for the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Action Plans have shown to be efficient tools to reduce risks related to the use of Plant Protection Products in Norway. Three Action Plans concerning Plant Protection Products have been developed . Action Plan on reducing risk connected to the use of pesticides (1998-2002) was evaluated in 2003. Based on the recommendations from the evaluation a new Action Plan was elaborated. The new plan, Action plan on reducing risk connected to the use of pesticides (2004-2008), was adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture (now: Ministry of Agriculture and Food) 16 February 2004.

20 June 2005