
Historical archive

Norway’s third national communication under the Framework Convention on Climate Change

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of the Environment

This report is the third national communication on Norway’s national circumstances, policies and measures related to climate change, according to the commitments under the Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The first and second national communications were submitted in 1994 and 1997 respectively. The latest report on Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions was submitted in April 2001, and forms the basis for the presentation of inventory information here.


1. Executive summary

2. National circumstances

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information

4. Policies and measures

5. Projections and the effect of policies and measures

6. Impacts and adaptation

7. Research and systematic observation

8. Financial resources and transfer of technology

9. Education, training and public awareness

T-1386 - ISBN 82-457-0341-9