Reports, plans and strategies
Here you can find selected reports, plans and strategies from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
Showing 61-75 of 75 results.
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Energy and Development - Report on Policy Coherence for Development 2012
Chapter 11 from the 2013 Budget Proposal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
04/02/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway’s 2nd report on Policy Coherence for Development, “Energy and Development” was presented by Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås, Minister for International Development, in a public debate on 9 October 2012. The report was submitted to the Storting (
Partner Countries in Norway’s Development Policy
Executive Summary
07/12/2018 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis is an executive summary of the Report to the Storting (white paper) "Partner Countries in Norway’s Development Policy" submitted on 15 June 2018.
Review of the consequences for Norway of ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
28/11/2018 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsOn 8 February 2018, the Storting (Norwegian parliament) requested the Government to review the consequences for Norway of ratifying the recently adopted Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Implementing United Nations Multidimensional and Integrated Peace Operations - A report on findings and recommendations
Final Report
31/05/2008 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway handed over the final report on Multidimensional and Integrated Peace Operations to Deputy Secretary General Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro on 27 October 2008. The report includes important findings and recommendations aimed at improving UN
Norway's efforts in the Sahel region 2018-2019
Status report
02/11/2020 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis status report for the period 2018-2019 offers insight into how Norway is following up the Sahel strategy via various channels, without going into detail about every aspect of the activities or providing specifics about overall achievement of
Norway’s National Action Plan: Women, Peace and Security (2023-2030)
14/09/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe women, peace and security agenda is a key element of Norway’s efforts to promote peace and security.
Equality for all
16/02/2022 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis strategy provides a foundation for future efforts to promote inclusion of the rights of persons with disabilities in Norwegian development cooperation. Norway has two primary objectives for its activities in this area: i) to promote compliance
Report on Convention no 169 concerning indigenous and tribal peoples, 1989
01/12/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs -
Report on Convention no 182 concerning worst forms of child labour, 1999
01/12/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsNORWAY R E P O R T for the period ending 31 May 2003, in accordance with article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, from the Government of Norway, on the measures taken to give effect to the provisions of the Convention
Report on Convention no 100 concerning equal remuneration, 1951
01/12/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsNORWAY R E P O R T for the period ending 31 May 2004, in accordance with article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, from the Government of Norway, on the measures taken to give effect to the provisions of the Convention
Implementation of the international covenant on civil and political rights
18/02/2005 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs -
Climate change, hungerand vulnerability
16/02/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityAt the climate summit in Glasgow (COP26) in November 2021, Norway pledged to double its climate finance to developing countries by 2026. This includes a commitment to at least triple funding for climate change adaptation, in line with the Paris
Strategy for Norway’s efforts in the Sahel region (2021–2025)
14/07/2021 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched its new strategy for the Sahel region 23 June.
United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children
02/01/2007 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsUnited Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children Key Messages Violence against children is not inevitable. It can and must be prevented. Every child has the right to a life free from violence. Violence against children can never
UN 2015 How can Norway contribute to reforms and to strengthening the UN?
A project report
20/03/2012 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis report is an edited and slightly updated summary of a projectreport on UN reform issues entitled “FN (UN)-2015”, commissioned by the Department for UN, peace and humanitarian Affairs in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and presented (