Reports, plans and strategies
Here you can find selected reports, plans and strategies from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
Showing 41-60 of 75 results.
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Norwegian government action plan for nuclear activities and the environment in northern areas
Report 2006 - 2008
28/04/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsReport 2006 - 2008 Norwegian government action plan for nuclear activities and the environment in northern areas (pdf) The report in Russian (pdf)
Afghanistan – humanitarian report for 2008
16/03/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway’s substantial political and economic efforts in the fields of humanitarian coordination produced good results in 2008 - even if the security situation deteriorated.
Platform for an Integrated Africa Policy
16/12/2008 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Platform for an Integrated Africa Policy gives an overview of Norwegian cooperation with Africa, and provides a basis for implementing concrete measures.
Norwegian Bilateral Development Cooperation 2007
10/11/2008 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe annual report describes bilateral development cooperation between Norway and 30 of the countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East that received the most assistance in 2007.
Norway's humanitarian policy
17/10/2008 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe new Norwegian Humanitarian Policy paper was launched by Foreign Minster Støre 15 September 2008 and is now available in English.
Implementing United Nations Multidimensional and Integrated Peace Operations - A report on findings and recommendations
Final Report
31/05/2008 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway handed over the final report on Multidimensional and Integrated Peace Operations to Deputy Secretary General Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro on 27 October 2008. The report includes important findings and recommendations aimed at improving UN
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' measures to combat Human Trafficking under the Governments's Plan of Action
Report on efforts carried out 2007
26/02/2008 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis report gives an account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' follow-up of the Government's Plan of Action and will form part of the inter-ministerial working group's overall report on Norway's efforts to combat human trafficking.
Aid for Trade - Norway's Action Plan
23/11/2007 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Norwegian Government is committed to cooperate with developing countries in their efforts to achieve economic growth and poverty reduction through increased participation in international trade. Norway will make special efforts to ensure that
Annual Report on Norwegian Bilateral Development Cooperation 2006
01/10/2007 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsAnnual Report on Norwegian Bilateral Development Cooperation 2006 (PDF) (3MB)
United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children
02/01/2007 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsUnited Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children Key Messages Violence against children is not inevitable. It can and must be prevented. Every child has the right to a life free from violence. Violence against children can never
MOPAN Synthesis Report 2006
Assessment of UNICEF, ILO and the Asian Development Bank at country level
14/12/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsMOPAN Synthesis Report 2006 Assessment of UNICEF, ILO and the Asian Development Bank at country level 14.12.06 MOPAN (the Multilateral Organisations Performance Assessment Network) is a network of nine likeminded countries that are cooperating to
Oslo Conditionality Conference
05/12/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsOn 28 and 29 November Mr Erik Solheim, the Norwegian Minister of International Development hosted a two-day conference in Oslo on the current use of conditionality in the International Finance Institutions. (05.12.06)
Annual Report on Bilateral Development Cooperation
10/10/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe annual report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Norwegian bilateral development cooperation has been published, with an overview of development cooperation with 22 countries in 2005. (10.10.06)
Foreign policy strategy for combating international terrorism
September 2006
03/10/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsForeign policy strategy for combating international terrorism PDF version of the strategy
Cancellation of debts incurred as a result of the Norwegian Ship Export Campaign (1976-80)
02/10/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsAnnex to press Release No 118/06 02.10.06 Cancellation of debts incurred as a result of the Norwegian Ship Export Campaign (1976-80) Norway’s claims vis-à-vis developing countries amount to approximately NOK 4,4 billion. Approximately NOK 2.9
New roles for non-governmental organisations in development cooperation
15/06/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsNew roles for non-governmental organisations in development cooperation The report in a pdf version Report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs committee for the evaluation of non-governmental organisations as a channel in Norway’s development
PRIO and CMI: Religious Civil Society in Afghanistan
24/05/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsReligious Civil Society in Afghanistan Research institutes: PRIO and Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) The project sets out to examine the role and significance of religious groups and networks in the development of Afghan civil society in the
The Norwegian Government's Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security
08/03/2006 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Norwegian Government's Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security. March 2006
Norges svar til Europarådet vedrørende ulovlig fangetransport
22/02/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs -
Seventeenth/eighteenth periodic report submitted by Norway under article 9 of the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination
12/09/2005 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs