Reports, plans and strategies
Here you can find selected reports, plans and strategies from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
Showing 21-40 of 75 results.
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Norway’s Humanitarian Strategy
13/08/2018 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs'Norway is to play a leading role in global humanitarian efforts both as a donor country and as a humanitarian actor. Our overall aim is to save lives, alleviate suffering and protect human dignity in humanitarian crises, in line with the
One year closer
Status report for Norway's progress towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
18/07/2017 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of FinanceOne year closer - Status report 2016 (pdf) Norway's progress towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Norway’s follow-up of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals
05/07/2016 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsAgenda 2030 is a global roadmap for eradicating extreme poverty through sustainable development and for promoting good governance and peaceful societies before 2030. 18 to 20 July Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg will present a comprehensive
Peace, Security and Development
The 2015 report to the Storting on policy coherence
08/02/2016 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Government's latest report to the Storting on policy coherence for development examines how Norwegian policies affect development in fragile states, with particular focus on the security situation in those countries. It concentrates on areas
Conference Report: Protecting education from attack
The Oslo Conference on Safe Schools, Oslo, Norway 28– 29 May 2015
14/09/2015 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Oslo Conference on Safe Schools: Protecting Education from Attack, was organised in Oslo 28-29 May 2015. At the Conference, representatives of states came together to show their interest in - and commitment to - the common goal of enhancing the
Report on policy coherence for development
13/03/2015 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis year's report to the Storting on policy coherence for development is about how Norwegian policies could affect efforts to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs, as they were discussed in the UN Open Working Group around mid-
Norway’s humanitarian policy
Annual report 2013
31/10/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsWar and conflict again had an enormous human cost in 2013. Lives were lost, people were seriously injured and children’s schooling was interrupted. Millions of displaced persons lacked food, water and shelter. All this was the consequence of
Women, Peace and Security: Progress Report 2012
20/09/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe second progress report on the Government's implementation of Norway's strategic plan provides an overview of Norway’s priorities as well as examples of activities and results from 2012. It also identifies challenges and priority areas for Norway
Conference report "Right-wing Extremism and Hate Crime"
11/06/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsIn May 2013, international experts and stakeholders gathered in Oslo for a two-day conference on right-wing extremism and hate crime directed towards minorities in Europe and beyond. Now you can read the report from the conference.
Food Security in a Climate Perspective
14/05/2013 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsA Strategy developed in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs and Ministry of the Environment.
Energy and Development - Report on Policy Coherence for Development 2012
Chapter 11 from the 2013 Budget Proposal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
04/02/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway’s 2nd report on Policy Coherence for Development, “Energy and Development” was presented by Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås, Minister for International Development, in a public debate on 9 October 2012. The report was submitted to the Storting (
Norway’s humanitarian policy - Annual report 2011
21/01/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThrough its humanitarian aid, Norway provided considerable support to local and international humanitarian organisations in their efforts to save lives and alleviate suffering in a long line of humanitarian crises all over the world in 2011.
Women, Peace and Security: Norway's Strategic Plan 2011-13. 2011 Progress Report
21/05/2012 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsIn January 2011, the Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security, adopted in 2006, was updated and strengthened through the launch of Women, Peace and Security:
Report to the Storting on Policy Coherence for Development 2011
Chapter 12 from the 2012 budget proposal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
27/04/2012 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis is the Norwegian Government's first report to the Storting on the potential positive and negative impacts in developing countries of policies designed primarily to serve domestic Norwegian interests. The report is based on contributions from
What is Norway doing to promote women, peace and security?
25/04/2012 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway plays an important role in international efforts to implement the UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security. The summary of the Progress Report on what Norway has done in this field in 2011 is now available in Norwegian and
UN 2015 How can Norway contribute to reforms and to strengthening the UN?
A project report
20/03/2012 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis report is an edited and slightly updated summary of a projectreport on UN reform issues entitled “FN (UN)-2015”, commissioned by the Department for UN, peace and humanitarian Affairs in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and presented (
Women, Peace and Security - Norway's strategic plan 2011-13
21/02/2011 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis new strategic plan on women, peace and security is intended to put us in a better position to enhance women’s influence and participation and strengthen the protection of women during armed conflicts. It provides a framework for ensuring that
The Role of Human Rights in Norwegian Foreign and Development Policy
01/02/2010 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe report does not attempt to provide a complete overview of human rights-related activities in the period concerned. It is based on the priorities set out in the Government's policy platform that are particularly relevant to human rights.
National Report submitted in accordance with paragraph 15(a) of the Annex to Human Rights Council Resolution 5/1
14/09/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe report on key human rights challenges and best practices in Norway was submitted to the UN Human Rights Council on 8 September 2009. It was drawn up by several ministries with input from civil society.
Tax havens and development
Commission on capital flight from developing countries
18/06/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsIllicit financial flows hamper development in poor countries. A government-appointed commission proposes a number of measures to reduce the adverse effects of tax havens.