Draft resolutions and bills (Prop.) form the basis for the Storting’s consideration of proposed resolutions, new legislation or amendments to legislation, the budget, or other such matters that require a decision by the Storting.
Draft resolutions and bills
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Prop. 67 L (2020–2021) - Amendments to the Election Act (assistance when voting)
18/12/2020 Proposition Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentIn this Proposition, the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation proposes certain amendments to Act no. 57 of 28 June 2002 relating to parliamentary and local government elections (the Election Act). The Ministry proposes an amendment to the
Prop. 89 L (2020–2021) - Temporary Act relating to amendments to the Election Act and Local Government Act (measures for remedying the negative consequences of Covid-19)
19/02/2021 Proposition Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThis is an unofficial translation of Prop. 89 L (2020-2021). Legal authenticity remains with the Norwegian version.