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Acts and regulations
Showing 141-155 of 155 results.
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Svalbard Environmental Protection Act
15/06/2001 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to preserve a virtually untouched environment in Svalbard with respect to continuous areas of wilderness, landscape, flora, fauna and cultural heritage.
Regulation relating to a Municipal Regular GP Scheme
23/11/2000 Rules Ministry of Health and Care ServicesWith Comments
Publication number H-2120 E
The main functions of county minicipalities and municipalities in Norway
07/11/2000 Circular Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe main functions of county municipalities and municipalities in Norway.
T-5/99E Accessibility for all
29/12/1999 Circular Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development -
Regulation Concerning the Declaration and Labelling of Microbiological Products
22/01/1998 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of these regulations is to prevent the microorganisms in microbiological products from damaging human health or having detrimental environmental effects in the form of disturbance of ecosystems, pollution, waste, etc.
The Land Act
12/05/1995 Law Ministry of Agriculture and Food -
Gene Technology Act
02/04/1993 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to ensure that the production and use of genetically modified organisms and the production of cloned animals take place in an ethically justifiable and socially acceptable manner, in accordance with the principle of
Regulations relating to the use of motor vehicles on uncultivated land and in ice-covered watercourses
15/05/1988 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentCare and consideration shall be shown during all motor traffic on uncultivated land and ice-covered watercourses to avoid damage or inconvenience to the natural environment and people.
Planning and Building Act (1985)
14/05/1985 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development -
Pollution Control Act
13/03/1981 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to protect the outdoor environment against pollution and to reduce existing pollution, to reduce the quantity of waste and to promote better waste management.
Cultural Heritage Act
09/06/1978 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to protect archeological and architectural monuments and sites, and cultural environments in all their variety and detail, both as part of our cultural heritage and identity and as an element in the overall environment and
Motor traffic on uncultivated land and in watercourses
10/06/1977 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to regulate motor traffic on uncultivated land and in watercourses on the basis of overall considerations of the public interest, with a view to protecting the natural environment and promoting public wellbeing.
Product Control Act
11/06/1976 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to prevent products or consumer services from causing damage to health, prevent products from causing environmental disturbance, and prevent environmental disturbance by promoting effective energy use in products.
Outdoor Recreation Act
28/06/1957 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to protect the natural basis for outdoor recreation and to safeguard the public right of access to and passage through the countryside and the right to spend time there, etc, so that opportunities for outdoor recreation as
Act on land registration (Land Registration Act)
07/06/1935 Law Ministry of Justice and Public Security