does not publish a complete overview of current acts and regulations. For a complete overview (in Norwegian), check Lovdata, which, in addition to the overview, also publishes all acts and regulations in their entirety.
Acts and regulations
Showing 61-80 of 155 results.
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Guidelines on “Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education”
11/04/2011 Guidelines Ministry of Education and ResearchThe initiative to develop guidelines on “Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education” is a follow-up to a resolution adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO (29 September-17 October 2003), inviting the Director-General to “develop
Regulations concerning Requirements for Master’s Degrees
11/04/2011 Regulation Ministry of Education and ResearchEstablished by the Ministry of Education and Research on 1 December 2005 pursuant to section 3-2, subsection 1, and section 3-7, subsection 2, of the Act of 1 April 2005 no. 15 relating to Universities and University Colleges.
Act on Professional Transport by Motor Vehicle and Vessel (Professional Transport Act)
25/03/2011 Law Ministry of Transport -
Immigration Act
22/11/2010 Law Ministry of Justice and Public Security -
Act on an infrastructure for geographical information (Spatial Data Act)
03/09/2010 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe Act shall promote good and efficient access to public geographical information (spatial data) for public and private purposes.
Marine Resources Act
11/08/2010 Law Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesMarine Resources Act
Requirements specification for PKI in the public sector
23/07/2010 Guidelines Ministry of Digitalisation and Public GovernanceThis document is a general, functional requirements specification for the self-declaration and procurement of a PKI based eID to be utilised in connection with electronic communication with and within the public sector in Norway.
National Curriculum for Sami Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Programmes
03/03/2010 Regulation Ministry of Education and ResearchNational Curriculum Regulations for Differentiated Sami Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Programmes for Years 1 - 7 and Years 5 - 10.
National Curriculum Regulations for Differentiated Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Programmes for Years 1 – 7 and Years 5 – 10
03/03/2010 Regulation Ministry of Education and ResearchThe Regulations apply to the 4-year differentiated primary and lower secondary teacher education programmes. The Regulations define the National Curriculum for primary and lower secondary teacher education programmes for years 1-7 and years 5-10.
Guidelines for the Differentiated Sami Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Programmes
19/01/2010 Guidelines Ministry of Education and ResearchThe Guidelines supplement the Regulations and are to provide the policy for the institutions’ programme descriptions.
Regulations of 15 October 2009 on the Entry of Foreign Nationals Into the Kingdom of Norway and Their Stay in the Realm (Immigration Regulations)
01/01/2010 Regulation Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityRead the Immigration Regulations (pdf)
Central Government Communication Policy
16/10/2009 Guidelines Ministry of Digitalisation and Public GovernanceThe communication policy encompasses the central objectives and principles for the government’s communication with citizens, businesses, non-governmental organizations and other public agencies.
Regulation 21 November 2006 on general application of wage agreement for construction sites in Norway
01/10/2009 Regulation Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionEstablished by the Tariff Board under the provision of Act 4 June 1993 No 58 relating to General Application of Wage Agreements etc. § 3
The Act on prohibition of discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, etc.
27/08/2009 Law Ministry of Children and Families -
Animal Welfare Act.
10/07/2009 Law Ministry of Agriculture and Food -
Nature Diversity Act
19/06/2009 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to protect biological, geological and landscape diversity and ecological processes through conservation and sustainable use, and in such a way that the environment provides a basis for human activity, culture, health and
Regulations 6 October 2008 on general application of wage agreement for construction sites in Norway
18/12/2008 Regulation Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionEstablished by the Tariff Board under the provision of Act 4 June 1993 No 58 relating to General Application of Wage Agreements etc. § 3 Chapt. I. Introductory provisions § 1. The basis of general application These regulations are established on
Regulations of 6 October 2008 concerning partial general application of the Engineering Industry Agreement to the maritime construction industry
06/10/2008 Regulation Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionIssued by the Tariff Board pursuant to § 3 of the Act of 4 June 1993 No. 58 relating to general application of wage agreements, etc. Chapter I. Introductory provisions § 1. The basis for general application These regulations are laid down on the
Planning and Building Act (2008)
27/06/2008 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development -
The Tenancy Act
12/10/2007 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentAct No. 17 of 26 March 1999 relating to tenancy agreements (Tenancy Act). Cf. Act No. 13 of 7 July 1967 relating to rent restriction. - Cf. previous Decree 20 April 1813, Act No. 13 of 25 June 1935, Act No. 5 of 25 June 1936 and Act No. 6 of 16 June