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Acts and regulations
Showing 21-40 of 155 results.
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Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals out of concern for public health
12/05/2020 Regulation Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityLegal basis: Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals out of concern for public health, section 7; see Act of 5 August 1994 No. 55 relating to control of communicable diseases, section 7-12; see also
Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals without a residence permit in the realm, out of concern for public health
20/04/2020 Regulation Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityLegal basis: Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals without a residence permit in the realm, out of concern for public health, section 7; see Act of 5 August 1994 No. 55 relating to control of
Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals without a residence permit in the realm, out of concern for public health
08/04/2020 Regulation Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityRead the updated regulation at Legal basis: Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals without a residence permit in the realm, out of concern for public health, section 7; see Act of 5 August
Regulations relating to quarantine, isolation and prohibition against staying at holiday properties
28/03/2020 Regulation Ministry of Health and Care ServicesPersons are prohibited from staying overnight at a holiday property in a municipality other than where they are registered as residing.
Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals without a residence permit in the realm, out of concern for public health
18/03/2020 Regulation Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityLegal basis: Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals without a residence permit in the realm, out of concern for public health, section 7; see Act of 5 August 1994 No. 55 relating to control of
Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 13 March 2020 No. 287 on quarantine etc. after travelling outside the Nordic region
16/03/2020 Regulation Ministry of Health and Care ServicesRead regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 13 March 2020 No. 287 on quarantine etc. after travelling outside the Nordic region (pdf)
Regulations relating to quarantine, isolation and prohibition against staying at holiday properties etc. in connection with the outbreak of COVID-19
15/03/2020 Regulation Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityPersons who have been in close contact with someone who is confirmed to have contracted the SARS CoV-2 virus shall undergo quarantine for 14 days after contact. «Close contact» in this context refers to contact in closer proximity than two metres
Regulations relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals without a residence permit in the realm, out of concern for public health
15/03/2020 Regulation Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityIn order to safeguard public health in connection with an outbreak of COVID-19, which is a disease hazardous to the public health, an administrative decision may be taken under the Immigration Act to reject a foreign national without a residence
Regulations on quarantine etc. after travelling outside the Nordic region
14/03/2020 Regulation Ministry of Health and Care ServicesRead the document in pdf
Regulations on a framework plan for the content and tasks of kindergartens
22/10/2019 Regulation Ministry of Education and ResearchThe core values of kindergartens shall be promulgated, practised and manifest in every aspect of a kindergarten's pedagogical practices. Childhood has intrinsic value, and kindergartens shall take a holistic approach to the children's development.
The Vocational Education Act
14/10/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe objective of this Act is to ensure the provision of high quality tertiary vocational education and satisfactory conditions for students of tertiary vocational education.
The Independent Schools Act
14/10/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe objective of this Act is to help facilitate the establishment and operation of independent schools, so that parents and pupils may choose other schools than the government schools, cf. Section 2 no. 2 of the (Norwegian) Human Rights Act.
The Student Financial Aid Act
14/10/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe purpose of the student financial aid system is to contribute to equal opportunity to education regardless of geographical circumstances, age, gender, disability, financial and social circumstances.
The Professional Qualifications Act
14/10/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe purpose of this Act is to allow professionals who are nationals of an EEA State or Switzerland to exercise their profession in Norway under the same conditions as professionals who obtained their professional qualifications in Norway, in
The Folk High School Act
20/09/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe objective of this Act is to enable the establishment and operation of folk high schools inNorway. The term “folkehøyskole” (Folk High School) must be included in the school name,and only schools approved pursuant to Section 2 of this Act may use
Core curriculum – values and principles forprimary and secondary education
08/04/2019 Regulation Ministry of Education and ResearchThe core curriculum - values and principles for primary and secondary education and training - is part of the curriculum as laid down by Royal Decree on 1 September 2017, and pursuant to section 1-5 of the Education Act.
Regulations for the 2019 local government elections for municipalities and counties that are subject to boundary changes that come into effect January 1st 2020
20/03/2019 Regulation Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe Norwegian government has adopted changes to the local government structure, reducing the number of municipalities from 428 to 356 and the number of counties from 19 to 11. The mergers will come into effect January 1st 2020.
The Election Act
14/03/2019 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentAct No. 57 of 28 June 2002 relating to parliamentary and local government elections.
About the Relationship between Political Leadership and the Civil Service
29/01/2019 Guidelines Ministry of Digitalisation and Public GovernanceThe purpose of these guidelines is to raise awareness about the relationship between politics and the civil service in light of changes in the tasks and trends in society.
The Adoption Act
29/10/2018 Law Ministry of Children and FamiliesEntered into force July 1 2018.