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Acts and regulations
Your search returned 9 results.
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Circular concerning cabotage in goods transport by road – N-1/2013
27/08/2013 Circular Ministry of TransportThis Circular concerns the interpretation of section 2a in the Regulation on International Transport of Passengers and Goods, and Cabotage, of 26 March 2003 No. 402, which entered into force on 1 July 2011. Section 2a regulates cabotage in transport
Act on Professional Transport by Motor Vehicle and Vessel (Professional Transport Act)
25/03/2011 Law Ministry of Transport -
Regulations on the Allocation of Railway Infrastructure Capacity and the Levying of Charges for the Use of the National Railway Network (Allocation Regulations)
01/06/2007 Regulation Ministry of Transport -
Regulations on Compulsory Abstinence from Alcohol etc., for Personnel performing Tasks related to Safety on Railways, including Tramways, Underground Railways and Suburban Railways etc. (Abstinence Regulations)
01/06/2007 Regulation Ministry of Transport(This translation is for information purposes only) Laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications on 16 October 2006 pursuant to Act No. 100 of 11 June 1993 on the Establishment and Operation of Railways, including Tramways, Underground
Regulations on the Obligation to Notify and Report Railway Accidents and Railway Incidents (Notification and Reporting Regulations)
01/06/2007 Regulation Ministry of Transport(This translation is for information purposes only) Laid down the Ministry of Transport and Communications on 31 March 2006 in pursuance of the Act on Notification, Reporting and Investigation of Railway Accidents and Railway Incidents etc. (Railway
Regulations on Public Investigations of Railway Accidents and Serious Railway Incidents etc. (Railway Investigation Regulations)
01/06/2007 Regulation Ministry of Transport -
Act on Notification, Reporting and Investigation of Railway Accidents and Railway Incidents etc. (Railway Investigation Act)
01/06/2007 Law Ministry of Transport -
Act on the Establishment and Operation of Railways, including Tramways, Underground Railways and Suburban Railways etc., (Railways Act)
01/06/2007 Law Ministry of Transport -
Act no. 0101 of 11 June 1993 relating to Aviation (Aviation Act)
23/02/2006 Rules Ministry of Transport