
The Norwegian Government's action plan for export

The Norwegian Government's action plan for export encompasses topics such as the overall trade policy situation, the global economic crisis created by the corona pandemic and the competitive situation for Norwegian companies abroad.

Since the situation for Norwegian business and industry internationally has changed drastically as a result of the corona crisis, there is a need for new measures. The goal of the plan is to contribute to the highest possible value creation within a sustainable framework. The measures in the action plan will contribute to more competitive industries exporting goods and services that are in demand in the world markets. The goal is increased value creation in Norway and that Norwegian exports will contribute to building up Norwegian business after the corona crisis.

Measures in the action plan

  • Strengthen the work on export promotion
  • Strengthen the cluster program
  • Strengthen the work of promoting cultural exports
  • Invite the business community to a closer collaboration on export promotion through a new export promotion unit, Business Norway
  • Continue the Government's trade policy through EEA and WTO cooperation and enter into free trade agreements with priority countries
Illustrasjonsbilde for eksporthandlingsplanen