
Sustainability indicators for Nordic towns

Sweco have made a report suggesting a selection of 30 different sustainability indicators for Nordic towns. The report is a part of the project "attractive towns" under the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The report focuses on issues that are important for small and medium sized Nordic towns where common issues are; developing attractive and liveable town centres, ensuring sustainable mobility patterns, attracting and keeping young people, investigating new ways for citizen involvement and cocreation, enabling sustainable town growth and facilitating business development.

The suggested indicators aim to illuminate the issues brought up by the towns, while not ignoring the issues and trends we know affect the Nordic region in general like urbanization, digitalization, climate change and integration. The selection of indicators also aims to meet the Sustainable Development Goals that are considered most relevant for small and medium sized towns in the Nordic countries.

Suggested indicators and toolbox for attractive and sustainable nordic towns and regions (pdf)