
Request for information regarding the assessment and awarding model for the IB Diploma Programme for the May 2020 session

The IB Diploma Programme is a valued supplement to the Norwegian public upper secondary school system. Many of the IB Diploma Programmes are offered alongside, but not as part of, the Norwegian upper secondary education, in the same locations.

In relation to the 2020 admission process to higher education in Norway, the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research has received several letters from many 2020 IB Diploma Programme graduates and their parents. The letters express concern and distress about this year's assessment and awarding model for the IB Diploma Programme.

We kindly request information from your office, in order for us to better understand the difference in grading this year, in comparison to how grades are normally awarded. We would appreciate if you could send us more details regarding this year's grading process, beyond what is available on your website, in addition to how this has affected the results of Norwegian IB students. Due to the urgency of the situation, it is of utmost importance that we receive a swift reply to this inquiry. This would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.


Yours sincerely

Geir Arnulf

Acting Director General

Katrine Elida Aaland

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