
Regulations relating to the protection of traditional knowledge associated with genetic material

Adopted by Royal Decree of 25.november 2016 under section 61a of the Act of 19 June 2009 No. 100 relating to the management of biological, geological and landscape diversity. Submitted by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

These regulations are intended to ensure that the interests of indigenous and local communities are safeguarded and respected in connection with access or use by others of knowledge associated with genetic material that has been developed, used, sustained and passed on within an indigenous or local community (traditional knowledge). Traditional knowledge includes skills, practices and learning that have been collectively developed, used, sustained and passed on from generation to generation within an indigenous or local community.

This is an unofficial translation of the Norwegian version of the Regulation and is provided for information purposes only. Legal authenticity remains with the Norwegian version as published in Norsk Lovtidend. In the event of any inconsistency, the Norwegian version shall prevail.


Read regulation at lovdata.no

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