
Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 29 June 2020 No. 1423 relating to entry restrictions for foreign nationals out of concern for public health

Requirement of negative test result for SARS-CoV-2 on entry into Norway

Legal basis: Adopted by Royal Decree 6 November 2020 under the Act of 5 August 1994 No. 55 relating to control of communicable diseases, section 7-12. Submitted by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.




In the Regulations of 29 June 2020 No. 1423 relating to entry restrictions for foreign nationals out of concern for public health, the following amendments are made:


New section 4 a shall read:


Section 4 a. Requirement of negative test result for SARS-CoV-2 on entry into Norway


Foreign nationals who otherwise are entitled to enter under the Interim Act relating to entry restrictions for foreign nationals out of concern for public health, and who arrive in Norway from an area that gives rise to quarantine duty as stipulated in appendix A of the COVID-19 Regulations, shall present certification on entry showing a negative test result for SARS-CoV-2, in accordance with section 4a of the COVID-19 Regulations. Approved test methods are PCR testing or antigen rapid testing. The test is to be taken no later than 72 hours prior to arrival in Norway. The certification must be in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, English, French or German.

The first paragraph does not apply to

  1. foreign nationals who reside in Norway with a residence permit or right of residence under the Immigration Act; see section 2, first paragraph a), of the Interim Act;
  2. foreign nationals who are essential to maintain the proper operation of critical public functions or attend to fundamental needs of the population, and there is a risk to life and health if entry if refused;
  3. foreign nationals who are in transit;
  4. foreign nationals who regularly arrive in Norway from Sweden or Finland to work or study, with the exception of health personnel who have been outside Norway for more than seven days;
  5. foreign nationals who seek protection in the realm (asylum) or otherwise invoke a right to international protection due to risk of persecution etc.; see section 2, first paragraph b), of the Interim Act;
  6. foreign nationals with an entry permit granted under section 35 of the Immigration Act; see section 4 d;
  7. foreign nationals with a residence permit in Norway granted under the Immigration Act’s provisions on family immigration; see section 4 a;
  8. foreign nationals as specified in sections 1-4 or 1-5 of the Immigration Regulations, and who can present a diplomatic or service passport, or possibly a national passport in combination with a Norwegian ID card issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or in combination with a Schengen residence card for embassy personnel; dual-accredited diplomats and diplomatic couriers; see section 3 f;
  9. foreigners who have been invited by the Norwegian authorities to participate in international negotiations and similar activities, and foreign nationals who are part of delegations coming to Norway in accordance with Norway’s international commitments; see section 3 m;
  10. military personnel as specified in section 1-7, second or third paragraphs, of the Immigration Regulations if they arrive in Norway by non-commercial transport.


If a foreign national comes to the realm without certification as specified in the first paragraph, a rejection decision may be taken.

Section 2, third paragraph, and sections 4 to 9 of the Interim Act apply correspondingly in the event of a violation of this section.

A foreign national is not to be rejected under this section if special reasons so indicate.

The Ministry is given authority under section 7-12 of the Act relating to control of communicable diseases to make amendments to this section.





These Regulations enter into force at midnight (24:00) on 8 November.