
Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals out of concern for public health

Adopted by Ministry of Justice and Public Security 12 June 2020 under the Act of 5 August 1994 No. 55 relating to control of communicable diseases, section 7-12; see also section 1-2, third paragraph; see also the Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals out of concern for public health, section 7.


In the Regulations of 15 March 2020 No. 293 relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals out of concern for public health, the following amendments are made:

Section 1, third paragraph f) and g), shall read:

f) EEA nationals with family ties as specified in b), who are family members of a Norwegian national. In connection with visits, exemption is to be made from the provision in section 110, third paragraph (c), of the Immigration Act stating that a relative in direct line of descent must be under the age of 21.

g) EEA nationals with family ties as specified in b), who are to visit family members resident in Norway. Exemption is to be made from the provision in section 110, third paragraph (c), of the Immigration Act stating that a relative in direct line of descent must be under the age of 21.

Section 2 b) and new section 2 f) shall read:

b) the foreign national is covered by exemption from the duty of quarantine pursuant to sections 5a, 6 or 6a of the Regulations of 27 March 2020 No. 470 relating to infection control measures etc. in connection with the coronavirus outbreak,

f) the foreign national has been granted a residency permit in Norway under the Immigration Act’s provisions on family immigration, and the sponsor is a Norwegian national or foreign national resident in Norway or is otherwise entitled to entry under these Regulations.

Section 2a h) shall read:

h) Military personnel as specified in section 1-7, second and third paragraphs, of the Immigration Regulations and their spouse, cohabitant or children who are registered with and accepted by the Ministry of Defence, as well as members of a civilian component and civilian personnel working for military staffs or headquarters in Norway (including NATO departments in Norway), as well as their spouse, cohabitant or children.


These Regulations enter into force 15 June 2020.