
Reduced Recidivism to Crime

National strategy for coordinated reintegration after served sentences 2017–2021

This strategy takes as its starting point knowledge of the convict's challenges with living conditions, insufficient administrative coordination, unclear distribution of responsibility, and shortcomings both in the existing cooperation agreements and in the current regulations within the field. Systematic work on counteracting backslide zones will help bring more people into education or work after having served their sentences, which in turn will reduce recidivism into crime and improve integration.

At the same time, we need to improve our knowledge about factors affecting the risk of recidivism.

The initiatives in this strategy are primarily concerned with preventing recidivism after spending sentence time and society in general, so that inmates can live a future life without committing further crimes. Certain initiatives have a wider scope, and include all convicts, regardless of where the sentence is served.

The strategy is primarily targeted at employees of the correctional services and concerned bodies. We hope the strategy also will be useful for others with an interest in correctional services and crime prevention.

The implementation of the initiatives in this strategy will be an important contribution to ensuring a safer everyday life, and making Norway a more inclusive society.

Strategy: Reduced Recidivism to Crime (PDF)