
Guidance note on ensuring respect for the humanitarian principles

As part of its work to ensure that the humanitarian principles are respected in the field, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has drawn up a guidance note on this issue, in consultation with a number of the organisations that receive funding from Norway. The guidance note has been updated in 2019, based on inputs from humanitarian partners.

The guidance note provides advice as to how the organisations can ensure respect for the humanitarian principles during the various phases of humanitarian operations. Its purpose is to promote a common understanding of what is expected of recipients of Norwegian humanitarian funding, primarily Norwegian NGOs and their implementing partners.

All Norway's humanitarian efforts are based on the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, independence and neutrality. Respect for these principles is essential for the effective implementation of humanitarian efforts, and for ensuring that the aid reaches those who need it most. Although humanitarian organisations work in different ways, it is important that they all share the same basic approach. The guidance note was developed with this in mind.