
Immigration and Integration 2016–2017

Report from Norway to the OECD

Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report Immigration and Integration 2016–2017 – Report for Norway is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries.

The most recent report covers 2016 and to some extent 2017. It was prepared during the autumn of 2017 by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Children and Equality, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is mainly based on data from Statistics Norway and the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration and contains statistics on migration, on the composition of immigrants and their Norwegian-born children and on integration indicators from several social areas.

The report also presents an overview of policy principles and measures concerning immigration and integration. It covers the major types of immigration, integration in general, training, education, labour market issues, political participation, child welfare, discrimination, citizenship, public debate and opinion. Finally, there is a list of some relevant new publications in English or with a summary in English.

The report for Norway and similar reports from the other member countries are used as important input for the annual OECD-publication, International Migration Outlook. See the OECD website on migration.

Download the report Immigration and Integration 2016–2017, Norway (PDF, 5 mb)