
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' measures to combat Human Trafficking under the Governments's Plan of Action

Report on efforts carried out 2007

This report gives an account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' follow-up of the Government's Plan of Action and will form part of the inter-ministerial working group's overall report on Norway's efforts to combat human trafficking.

The report in PDF format

This report gives an account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' follow-up of the Government's Plan of Action and will form part of the inter-ministerial working group's overall report on Norway's efforts to combat human trafficking.  This report focuses on the work carried out in 2007, but it also refers to efforts dating back as far as 2000, as many activities extend over several years.  This applies in particular to the summary and the appended list of projects and statistical information.

The report was launched by State Secretary Raymond Johansen on 5 February 2008 at a status meeting in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.