
Guidelines for the Differentiated Sami Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Programmes

The Guidelines supplement the Regulations and are to provide the policy for the institutions’ programme descriptions.

The Guidelines supplement the Regulations and are to provide the policy for the institutions’ programme descriptions.

The Guidelines for the Differentiated Sami Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Programmes are based on the National Curriculum Regulations for Differentiated Sami Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Programmes. The Sami Guidelines are based on the National Guidelines, with adjustments and additions.

The Guidelines are to ensure a Sami teacher education that satisfies the quality requirements of the differentiated teacher education programmes for primary and lower secondary education.

Each institution must prepare programme descriptions stipulating academic content, teaching practice, organization, working methods and assessment methods. The institutions’ programme descriptions must comply with the Regulations and National guidelines.

The programme descriptions must be passed by the institution’s Board.

In the case of the Sami teacher education, separate guidelines have not been made for the different subjects. When making programme descriptions, the institutions must take the main features of the National Guidelines as their starting point, while at the same time ensuring that Sami perspec-tives are at the core of the education as a whole and of the individual subjects.

Sami programme descriptions are prepared by the institutions, in collaboration with each other when this is relevant.