
Cyber Security Strategy for Norway

The strategy sets the direction and priorities on which public authorities should base their information security efforts.

The Government’s primary objective in publishing a national strategy for information security is to set the direction and priorities that will form the basis for the government’s information security efforts in the coming years.

For each strategic priority, there is a description of objectives for the initiative, a status update and a list of specific areas of focus. How the Government aims to follow up specific aspects of this strategy will be described in a detailed action plan, which will be published separately and revised as necessary.

In addition, follow-up of the strategy will aid decision makers in the public and private sectors in particular, and the population in general, in increasing their awareness of the security challenges we face.

This strategy has been developed jointly by the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Cyber Security Strategy for Norway (pdf-document)