
Better growth, lower emissions – the Norwegian Government’s strategy for green competitiveness

This document is the Government’s strategy for green competitiveness, and is intended to provide a predictable framework for the transformation of Norwegian society. It lists seven principles for this process, and presents Government policy for strengthening green competitiveness and transforming Norway into a low-emission society.

Download the strategy here (PDF)

Building green competitiveness in Norway means cutting greenhouse gas emissions, increasing value creation and ensuring high employment. The Government’s strategy for green competitiveness is intended to provide a predictable framework for the transformation of Norwegian society. The strategy lists seven principles for this process, and presents Government policy for strengthening green competitiveness and transforming Norway into a low-emission society. 

In June 2015, the Government appointed Connie Hedegaard, former European Commissioner for Climate Action, and Idar Kreutzer, Managing Director of Finance Norway, as the members of an expert committee on green competitiveness. They were asked to prepare a proposal for an overall strategy for green competitiveness, and delivered their recommendations in October 2016.

The committee’s recommendations and the important input it received from various stakeholders have provided an invaluable part of the basis for the Government’s strategy. It will be crucial to continue the cooperation the committee established with partners in a variety of branches of industry and sectors as the strategy is implemented.

Design and layout: Melkeveien Designkontor
Photo: AdobeStock
Publication number: T-1562 E