
T-1354 The Sustainable Cities Programme

The Sustainable Cities Programme

The Sustainable Cities Programme in Norway was initiated by the Ministry of the Environment in 1993 and has been an experimental development project in five urban municipalities (Fredrikstad, Kristiansand, Bergen, Tromsø and Old Oslo, a central district in the Norwegian capital). Extensive work has been carried through during the seven programme years in order to develop methods and models for more sustainable cities. The main idea of the programme has been to view and approach the environmental challenges in the cities in a comprehensive manner, where both long-term planning efforts and short-term measures and instruments are utilised at the same time. The programme was finalised in the fall of 2000.

A brochure in 8 pages presents the main results and the core content of the recommendations from the programme as whole, as well as specific recommendations within the six areas/fields of priority. It concludes with an illustration of planning principles of more sustainable cities. The figure shows "Main Elements of a Sustainable City", based upon the public transport system and other core elements.

See the brochure Sustainable Cities Programme (PDF)