
Report on Convention no 29 concerning forced labour, 1930



for the period ending 31 May 2003, in accordance with article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, from the Government of Norway, on the measures taken to give effect to the provisions of the

Convention no 29 concerning forced labour, 1930

ratification of which was registered on 1 July 1932.

I - II

In February 2003 the Government presented a Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children, which deals with 23 measures against such trafficking. Two copies of the plan in English translation are enclosed.

The Government also introduced a Bill (Ot.prp. nr. 62 (2002-2003) proposing a separate penal provision for human trafficking. This provision is based on the definition of human trafficking contained in Article 5 of the Protocol against Trafficking in Persons to the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime. The provision covers trafficking in persons for the purpose of prostitution or other sexual exploitation, forced labour, war service in foreign in foreign countries or removal of organs. The Storting (parliament) passed the Bill on 17 June, making no changes.


Reference is made to previous report.


This report will be communicated to the Confederation og Norwegian Business and Industry, the Confederation og Trade Unions in Norway, the Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations and the Confederation of Vocational unions.

Oslo, September 2003