
Rules for marrying abroad

The Norwegian Marriage Act regulates recognition of marriages entered into abroad.

Marriages entered into abroad will not be recognised in Norway if one or both of the parties is a Norwegian citizen or resident of Norway when the marriage was entered into and: 
• one of the parties is a minor, i.e. under 18 years of age, when they get married,
• the marriage has been entered into without both parties being present during the wedding ceremony (telephone marriages or proxy marriages), or
• one of the parties is already married.

Following a petition from both parties, the marriage may nonetheless be recognised if there are strong grounds for doing so. This is a narrow exemption provision that is practised very strictly. It is therefore rare for such a marriage to provide grounds for family reunification. Applications for recognition are to be sent to the The County Governor of Oslo og Viken, which can also provide guidance in this area. More information about subsequent validation of marriages can be found at the County Governor's home page