
Information about implementation in Norway

Oktober 05
Contact: Sissel Edvardsen, +47 22 24 61 09

Information about implementation in Norway

  • On July 8 the EEA committee decided that the renewables directive (EU directive 2001/77//EC 1Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market) shall become part of the EEA agreement. Consequently Norway will implement the directive.
  • The EEA committee decision on the renewables directive will enter into force when Iceland has fulfilled its constitutional requirements, no later than six months after the committee decision was made. While Norway has implemented the directive in practice, it will not formally enter into force until our partner in EFTA Iceland has made the necessary amendments to legislation. Implementation of the directive in Norway does not require any amendments to legislation.
  • The renewables directive requires each country to offer guarantees of origin to producers of renewable electricity. The guarantees of origin are proof that the electricity produced is renewable, and can be traded between countries. The ministry established a system for guarantees of origin as early as fall 2003. Statnett was appointed as issuing body. The implementation of the directive may now give power producers easier access to the international market for guarantees of origin.
  • According to the renewables directive each EU member state must also set an indicative target for the share of renewable electricity in 2010. Norway has a higher share of renewable electricity than any of the EU member states, and the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has indicated a target for Norway of 90 percent renewable electricity in 2010. In line with government policy this calls for a significant increase in the production of renewable electricity.
  • Link to the renewables directive
  • Link to Annex 4 (Energy) of the EEA agreement, see page 10