
Environment 2005 The Norwegian Petroleum Sector

Environment 2005 The Norwegian Petroleum Sector

Enhancing knowledge about petroleum activities and environmental issues.

The purpose of this publication is threefold:

  1. to increase knowledge about the environmental aspects of Norwegian oil and gas activities
  2. to take a more detailed look at a specific topic which particularly concerns both the industry and the authorities, and identify the challenges and options faced
  3. to emphasise the government’s goal of ensuring that Norway reconciles its role as a large energy producer with a pioneering position on environmental issues.

Environment 2005 covers the status of emissions/discharges, environmental impacts, and measures to reduce discharges to the sea and emissions to the air from petroleum activities. This year’s edition focuses on petroleum activity in the Barents Sea and on the stringent environmental requirements imposed on activities in the north. Our intention is to explain how petroleum activity is being undertaken in an environmentally responsible manner. The strong focus on the environmental issues has placed the Norwegian petroleum sector at the frontier of environmental protection. This reflects both the way the authorities have incorporated environmental considerations in rules and regulations, as well as the commitment made by the industry itself.

Environment 2005 in pdf-format

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