
Acts and Regulations

The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) hold the managing responsibility according to the Energy Act and the Water Resources Act. Furthermore NVE is assisting the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy managing the Industrial Licensing Act and the Act Relating to Regulations of Watercourses.

NVE has the legislative power to issue regulations and to make individual decisions and perform preparatory procedures of cases to be resolved by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

On this page you will find a collection of translations initiated by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and NVE. The translations are unofficial and only updated at the time of the translation.

The aim of these unofficial translations is to provide any interested party with information about the Nowegian legal framework. The translations are not legally binding.

Note: The translations apply to older versions of the acts and regulations. The texts are not updated with recent years' legislative changes. However, the unofficial translations may have a certain value as a source of information.

(All documents are in PDF-format)

Act No. 16 of 14 December 1917 relating to acquisition of waterfalls, mines and other real property etc. (The Industrial Licensing Act)


Act No. 17 of 14 December 1917 relating to regulations of watercourses. (The Watercourse Regulation Act)


Act no. 50 of 29 June 1990: Act relating to the generation, conversion, transmission, trading, distribution and use of energy etc. (The Energy Act)

Act No. 82 of 24 November 2000: relating to river systems and groundwater (The Water Resources Act).



Reg. No. 945 of 4 December 1987: Regulations relating to the adjustment of licence fees, annual compensation and funds etc., pursuant to water resources legislation

Reg. No. 959 of 7 December 1990: Regulations concerning the generation, conversion, transmission, trading, distribution and use of energy etc


Reg. no. 13 of 11 January 1991: Security provisions for the power supply system


Reg. No. 1065 of 11 December 1992: Regulations relating to implementation in Norwegian law of EEA Agreement Annex IV item 1 (Council Regulation (EEC) No 1056/72 of 18 May 1972) on notification of investment projects of interest to the European Economic Area in the petroleum, natural gas and electricity sectors.


Reg. No. 1421 of 17 December 2001: Regulations governing the planning and implementation of requisitioning of power and enforced reductions in supply in connection with electricity rationing.


Reg. no. 301 of 11 March 1999: Regulations governing metering, settlement and coordinated action in connection with electricity trading and invoicing of network services.


Reg. No. 302 of 11 March 1999: Regulations governing financial and technical reporting, income caps for network operations and transmission tariffs.


Reg. no. 1377 of 10 December 2001: Regulations governing the payment of a levy on the grid tariff into the Energy Fund (Energy Fund Regulations).


Reg. no. 4121 of 13 August 1993: Instructions for the Power Supply Preparedness Organisation.


Reg. No. 448 of 7 May 2002: Regulations relating to the system responsibility in the power system.


Reg. No. 1606 of 16 December 2002: Regulations relating to contingency planning in the power supply system.


Reg. No. 1607 of 16 December 2002: Regulations relating to energy planning.


Reg. No. 1557 of 30 November 2004: Regulations relating to the quality of supply in the Norwegian power system.


Reg. no. 1066 of 19 November 1996: Regulations governing filing requirements for well drilling and ground water surveys.


Reg. no. 1271 of 15 December 2000: Regulations governing the safety and supervision of watercourse structures.


Reg. no. 1317 of 18 December 2000: Regulations governing the classification of watercourse structures.


Reg. no. 1318 of 18 December 2000: Regulations governing qualifications for those undertaking the planning, construction and operation of watercourse structures.


Reg. no. 199 of 21 February 2003: Regulations governing internal quality control to comply with the Act relating to river systems and ground water