Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Espen Barth Eide (Lab.)

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Anne Beathe Tvinnereim (Cent.)

Minister of International Development

The main task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to secure and promote Norway’s interests internationally. Norway’s interests are determined by such factors as its geographical location in a strategically important area, its open economy, its position as a coastal state and steward of substantial marine resources, and its extensive exports of oil and gas.
Bildemomontasje til statsbudsjettet 2025

Norwegian Government to expand and extend support for Ukraine’s fight for freedom

The Norwegian Government is proposing to increase the overall funding framework for the Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine to NOK 135 billion and to extend the Support Programme for an additional three years. The proposed allocation represents a minimum rather than a funding cap. The Government will assess the need to increase funding on an ongoing basis.

Bilde av fire ambassadører sittende for å signere avtale med flagg i bakgrunnen

Agreement on EEA and Norway Grants

Press release 12/09/2024

Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and the European Union have now signed an agreement on a new funding period for the EEA and Norway Grants.