Ministry of Culture and Equality
Lubna Jaffery (Lab.)
Minister of Culture and Equality

The Norwegian Government honours Jon Fosse
On the occasion of Jon Fosse being awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Norwegian Government is establishing a new, annual initiative in honour of the author – an annual Fosse lecture, which will be held alongside an event organised by the National Library of Norway, where a Fosse stipend will also be awarded. In this way, the Government wants to demonstrate how important Fosse’s literary works are, both for Norway and internationally.

The Norwegian Government bolsters efforts for gender and sexual diversity in new action plan
The Norwegian government’s Action Plan for Gender and Sexual Diversity was launched today. The plan comprises 49 measures aimed at protecting rights, and improving quality of life for LGBT+ people, and increasing recognition of gender and sexual diversity in society.
Latest from the Ministry of Culture and Equality
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- Speech at the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women Speech/statement 08/03/2023
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- The Norwegian Government's Action Plan on Gender and Sexual Diversity (2023–2026) Plans/strategy 06/09/2023
- Migration and Integration 2021–2022 Report 16/01/2023
- NOU 2022: 9 - The Norwegian Commission for Freedom of Expression Report Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 15/08/2022
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