
The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees

The role of the Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees is to promote high-quality, ethical research, and to use preventive measures and investigations to help ensure that research in both the public and private sectors adheres to generally accepted ethical norms

The committees raise awareness about issues relating to research ethics, and encourage debate about them. 

The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees are professionally independent agencies for questions regarding research ethics, and for investigating misconduct, in all fields. The committees comprise three national research ethics committees (for medical and health research, for science and technology and for social sciences, law and the humanities), a national commission (for investigating misconduct), and a joint secretariat. 

The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees are an administrative agency under the Ministry of Education and Research. The responsibilities of the committees are established by the Act on Ethics and Integrity in Research.

Web page: http://www.etikkom.no/