
The North Sea as a platform for the Clean Energy Transition

Minister of Petroleum and Energy Marte Mjøs Persen held this speech at the energy seminar 'The North Sea as a platform for the Clean Energy Transition' when signing a MoU on the CCS between Norway and the Netherlands. The seminar was hosted at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim on 11th November 2021.

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First of all, thank you for organizing today's forward-oriented and highly relevant seminar, "The North Sea as a platform for the clean energy transition". 

The Netherlands and Norway have had strong links to the North Sea for centuries, and for a broad range of activities. Our two countries are like-minded, we have strong historical ties – and we have a passion for ice skating.

I would like to emphasise the good relations in general, and especially in the field of energy and electricity exchange. I believe we should continue to strengthen our cooperation on energy.

The North Sea provides vast opportunities, including in the clean energy transition.

The Norwegian Government has strong ambitions in developing hydrogen and offshore wind in the years ahead, building on offshore expertise acquired through the oil and gas sector and maritime activities.

Today, we reach a new milestone in the Dutch-Norwegian relations through the Memorandum of Understanding to promote bilateral cooperation in the field of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and exploring future areas of energy cooperation related to the North Sea.

I am very pleased to see political dialogue and bilateral cooperation as key elements in the MOU.

CCS is part of the solution to the climate challenge. Both by cutting emissions and in facilitating clean hydrogen development.

I consider my Dutch counterpart a close and valued partner:

  • In promoting the development of CCS.
  • In sharing knowledge, skills and expertise in the field of CCS.
  • And in exploring possible areas for cooperation under the green transition.

Together, we join forces for a greener and more sustainable energy future, through cooperation on energy infrastructure and technology development.

Thank you!