
The exemptions for pets from Ukraine will be lifted from 1 July

This content is more than 1 year old.

In the spring of 2022, Norway and the EU introduced a number of regulatory exemptions allowing refugees fleeing Ukraine to bring their pets to Norway and the EU. The EU has decided to lift these exemptions and return to normal import requirements for pets from Ukraine from the 1st of July 2023. This will also apply to Norway.

Ukrainian Veterinary Authorities have informed that they are operational and can issue official health certificates. It is therefore possible for Ukrainian pet owners to fulfill the normal animal health requirements when entering Norway from Ukraine.

Ukrainian refugees arriving in Norway with their pets will from the 1st of July have to fulfill the normal animal health requirements for pets as regards to ID marking, anti-rabies vaccination, rabies antibody titration test (blood test), anti-echinococcus treatment and a valid health certificate.

Read more about the animal requirements:

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority can be contacted on +47 22 40 00 00.