
Strengthening the energy bonds between Moldova and Norway

During the state visit from Moldova, an energy roundtable was held at Norad. At the event, an MOU was signed by the energy ministers of Moldova and Norway on closer cooperation between the two countries. During the roundtable discussions several Norwegian companies gave valuable insights on how to support Moldova in their energy transition.

Signing the MOU
From left Moldova's Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov and Norway's Minister of Energy Terje Aasland. Credit: Ministry of Energy.

- I am both proud and humbled that Moldova seeks a closer partnership with Norway in the energy sector. I believe Norway and Norwegian companies have something significant to offer Moldova for their challenges within energy, says Norway’s Minister of Energy, Terje Aasland

The MOU will focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy and smart digital solutions for the green energy transition as areas of cooperation.

Since the start of Russia’s war against Ukraine, Moldova has faced significant vulnerability due to its proximity to the conflict. The energy sector has been particularly affected. Despite these challenges, Moldova demonstrated resilience.

Norwegian support for Moldova’s energy sector has grown, aided by financial aid for gas procurement and inclusion in the Nansen Programme for Ukraine.

Moldova’s energy transition presents opportunities for Norwegian solutions, especially in energy efficiency, infrastructure, digitalization, and cybersecurity.

Moldova’s progress toward energy independence and its collaboration with Norway highlight the importance of international partnerships in addressing energy challenges.

- I am pleased to see so many business representatives here today. It is my hope that these companies will support Moldova’s green energy transition as well as enhancing their own business operations. This is a win-win for everyone involved, both in Moldova and Norway, says Aasland.