
Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Espen Barth Eide, on Israeli settlements

The recent decisions by the Government of Israel to "legalize" five settlement outposts, to declare 12 700 dunams as “state lands”, and to advance the approval of 6016 housing units in dozens of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, are totally unacceptable. Norway condemns these decisions, and we call on the Government of Israel to immediately reverse them.

Israel's long-held policy of dispossession, land confiscation and establishing illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, undermines our collective efforts to realise a two-state solution and a peaceful resolution to the conflict. 

Israeli settlements are illegal under international law, and they pose a significant threat to peace and security in the region. 

Israelis and Palestinians deserve to live their lives in peace and security, with freedom, dignity and equal rights. The two-state solution is the only viable solution to achieve this goal.  

Norway remains committed to the realisation of a viable two-state solution, where two democratic states – Israel and Palestine - live side by side in peace, within secure and internationally recognised borders.