
OECD Environmental Performance Review of Norway

This content is more than 2 years old.

On Friday 22 April, OECD launches the Environmental Performance Review of Norway 2022 and hands over their recommendations for Norwegian authorities on the way forward.

Web TV Seminar: OECD Environmental Performance Review of Norway

See broadcast

See broadcast

The report, which assesses Norway’s environment policy of the last decade, will be presented at a seminar in Oslo the same day. Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment, Mr. Espen Barth Eide, receives the report on behalf of Norwegian authorities from OECD’s acting director, Mr. Alain de Serres. Representatives from research, civil society and business will take part in two panels on sustainable development, and land use and biodiversity management.   

The event is both physical and digital from 10AM-13PM CEST. 

To participate physically at the event in Oslo, please sign up by sending your name, telephone number and e-mail to: KLD-arrangementer@kld.dep.no by 19 April. The venue is Auditoriet in Regjeringskvartalet 5 (R5) in Akersgata 59, 0180 Oslo. Please remember to bring a photo ID (driver's license, ID card or passport), as it is a prerequisite for entering the venue. Bags and other equipment must be scanned before entry. Attendance at the reception in R5 at 09:45.  

It is also possible to follow the event digitally – on this webpage and in social media. A recording will be available afterwards.

Please notice that only audience physically present in Oslo will be able to ask questions to the panellists.


10:00-10:40: Official opening and launch 

Welcome by Mr Tom Rådahl, Secretary-General, Ministry of Climate and Environment

Introductory remarks by Mr Alain de Serres, Acting Director, OECD Environment Directorate

Policy dialogue on key recommendations Q&A session with Mr Espen Barth Eide, Minister of Climate and Environment

10:40-11:30: Presentation and panel discussion on towards sustainable development

Presentation of key findings and recommendations, Ms Julia Wanjiru. OECD Policy Analyst

Comments by:

  • Benedicte Solaas, Director Climate and the Environment, Norwegian oil and gas
  • Karoline Andaur, Director, WWF Norway
  • Ms Taran Fæhn, Senior Researcher CICERO/Statistics Norway

Session moderated by Ms Linda Nøstbakken, Research Director, Statistics Norway

11.40-12:30:  Presentation and panel discussion on land use & biodiversity management              

Presentation of key findings and recommendations by Mr Roger Martini, OECD Senior Policy Analyst

Comments by

  • Ms Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, Researcher, OsloMet
  • Mr Kjetil Bjørklund, Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS)
  • Mr Christian Steel, Director, Sabima

Session moderated by Mr Per Stålnacke, Research Director, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

12:30-13:00: Summary and way forward

Next steps - information on the OECD Environmental Performance Reviews Programme by Ms Nathalie Girouard, Head of Division, Environmental Performance and Information, OECD Environment Directorate

Concluding remarks by Mr Rådahl, Mr de Serres and Ms Girouard