
Norway steps up efforts to combat anti-Semitism

This content is more than 1 year old.

Jews in Norway continue to experience hostile attitudes and anti-Semitism, and in recent weeks the extent of these incidents has increased in the wake of the war in Gaza. The Government has now announced a new action plan against anti-Semitism that will be presented next year.

"Unfortunately, many Jewish Norwegians still encounter anti-Semitic attitudes in their everyday lives. We're not going to have that in Norway. That is why we are working on a new action plan against anti-Semitism," says Erling Sande, minister of Local Government and Regional Development.

While the current action plan expires at the end of the year,  a decision was previously made to continue the plan's ongoing measures in 2024. The Government has also proposed an increase of NOK 2.5 million in appropriations to the Mosaic Religious Communities in the national budget for 2024.

"There is no doubt that there is a need for sustained and increased efforts to combat anti-Semitism at this time. We all have a responsibility to fight prejudice and racism.  It is not the responsibility of the Jews to combat anti-Semitism in Norway, it is our shared responsibility," says Sande.

The Government is concerned that the war in Gaza does not exacerbate antagonisms in Norway, and that the tense situation does not reduce the security of either Palestinians in Norway or Jewish Norwegians.  The work on a new action plan will be important for finding good measures to combat anti-Semitism, including during periods of increased tension in the Middle East.

"Everyone in Norway should be safe and a part of our community, regardless of their religion or background.  A new action plan against anti-Semitism will bolster our efforts to reduce prejudice against Jewish Norwegians and help to provide them with more security in their everyday lives," says Sande.

The Government will invite both the Jewish communities and other actors to participate in the work on the new action plan.

The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development's press hotline:  (+47) 22 24 25 00